Lab News

May 2024: Congratulations to Dr. Oded Bein for starting his new position as Faculty of Psychology in Psychiatry at Weill-Cornell Medical School! We will miss you…

February 2024: Congratulations to Dan-Mircea Mirea for giving a data blitz talk titled “Individuals with depression show heightened sensitivity to social media rewards” at the SPSP Psychology of Media & Technology Preconference 2024 ! Dan also gave a poster with the same title at the main SPSP conference.

December 2023: Goodbye Ellie, we will miss you! Good luck with the rest of grad school! Once finished, Ellie will join the lab once again as a postdoc. 

November 2023: Congratulations to Eleanor Holton, who won the 2023 Niv Lab Challenge!

October 2023: Congratulations to Rachel Bedder, Nadav Amir, Eleanor Holton, and Seohyun Moon, who presented at the Princeton Symposium on Biological and Artificial Intelligence! Rachel presented a poster on ‘Rumination as State Inference’, Nadav presented a poster on ‘States as goal directed concepts’, Eleanor presented a poster titled, ‘Humans and neural networks show similar patterns of transfer and interference in a continual learning task’, and Seohyun presented a poster on ‘SWIN-based Subjective Well being Classification using fNIRS’.

October 2023: Congratulations to Gili Karni and Dan-Mircea Mirea for passing their Generals exams with flying colors!

September 2023: Welcome to Eleanor Holton (Ellie), who’s visiting as a grad student from Oxford!

August 2023: Welcome to our three new RAs, Kepler Palacio-Soto, Jialing Ding and Seohyun Moon. We’re excited to have you join us!

August 2023: Congratulations to our summer interns, Hollen Knoell, Isabella Fernandez, Julie Abaci, Andrea Mullin, and Andrew Kyo for completing their summer internships! We’re excited to see what you do next and can’t wait to see your posters!

August 2023: Goodbye to Nastasia, we will miss you! Good luck with grad school! 

July 2023: Congratulations to everyone who participated in the 2023 Computational Psychiatry Conference! Isabel Berwian gave a talk on ‘Using computational models to understand psychotherapy interventions effects’ and Yael Niv gave a tutorial on ‘Reinforcement learning and bayesian approaches’ and a keynote. Dan-Mircea Mirea presented a poster on ‘Computational psychiatry in the wild: depression affects reinforcement learning on social media,’ Sashank Pisupati presented a poster titled ‘Real-world evaluation of a machine learning decision-support system for mental health assessments,’ and Oded Bein presented a poster on ‘The relationship between mental health symptoms and event segmentation.’

May 2023: Rachel Bedder’s conference paper “Modelling Rumination as a State-Inference Process” will be presented as a talk at CogSci 2023 in Sydney in July! Congratulations Rachel, we’re excited to see you share your work!

April 2023: Congratulations to Oded Bein, who presented a poster at LEARNMEM 2023, titled “Altered event segmentation in anxiety and schizotypy”!

March 2023: Rachel Bedder and Dan Mirea both presented at the Society for Affective Science conference! Rachel was part of the Reinforcement Learning as an Approach to Understanding Basic Affective Processes symposium, and presented a talk titled, “Modelling Rumination as a State Inference Process.” Dan presented a flash talk, titled “Computational psychiatry in the wild: how depression affects reinforcement learning on social media.” Congratulations to both!

For news older than 2023, see the Lab News Archive!